GenuineProspect Will Be The Home Of Genuine Science

Genuine prospect began as a blog about COVID-19 science research and the issues that arose as a result of it. The COVID-19 world demonstrated something that many of us already knew: science in general is mostly rubbish that serves corporate interests. Genuine science does exist, but most people are unaware of it because popular science magazines and mass media are funded by the same corporations. They would never publish anything that did not promote their owners’ products. That’s why I decided to establish a new venue for displaying scientific research. Initially, I considered creating another website, Genuine Science, but that would require funds that I do not have.

Given that this blog is already established, I decided to start promoting genuine science here. I also don’t have to pay extra for a domain name or a web host. So, from now on, Genuine Prospect will be the home not only of COVID-19 science, but of all genuine non-mainstream science. I hope to one day have enough funds to pay established researchers in lesser-known fields to write about their work. I have a few people in mind, but I don’t want to ask them to work for free. It’s exploitation.

Genuine Science blog will include a deep dive into certain lesser-known scientific areas, research that opposes mainstream narrative, and short stories. The frequency will be determined by your interest. Also, if you have any suggestions for lesser-known research that should be highlighted, please contact me via email or leave a comment.


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🖐The first post on Genine Science is on its way 🛩. Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss out.

Sincerely yours,


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