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You Can Seek Justice If You Have Been Injured by COVID Vaccines

The number of people injured by COVID-19 vaccines is extremely high. It is not surprising given that these products are designed to cause only harm. Most people are afraid to seek justice because they believe they will lose money and receive nothing, due to the fact we were told that manufacturers cannot be sued as they have liability protection. That is not correct! While there are liability safeguards in place, they may not completely protect vaccine manufacturers from legal action in all cases. Legal action may still be pursued if gross negligence or intentional misconduct is alleged. Manufacturers may also be required to demonstrate that there is no link between the product and adverse reactions. Continue reading You Can Seek Justice If You Have Been Injured by COVID Vaccines

We need to start talking about blood donation contamination caused by COVID-19 vaccines – New Info

People from all over the world frequently contact me to tell me that they were refused blood from donors who did not receive COVID-19 vaccines. They must lie and bring up religion in order to have blood by choice, a choice that should not be questioned.
Why does “my body, my choice”, only work for abortions but not for blood donation?

Why is such a significant health risk being ignored by everyone?

How many people were injured as a result of unknowingly receiving contaminated blood? Continue reading We need to start talking about blood donation contamination caused by COVID-19 vaccines – New Info

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Extracellular Vesicles Containing Spike Protein Cause Heart Disease And Blood Disorders – More Evidence

If you look at the breakthrough in science almost always they don’t come from the centre of that profession. They come from the fringe. ~ Allan Savoury Continue reading Extracellular Vesicles Containing Spike Protein Cause Heart Disease And Blood Disorders – More Evidence

Do You Really Want To Be Free?

Now, when the truth finally reaches the masses, as a result of people like me who did not give up and persevered, I am once again ignored, and people are in awe of fake heroes who pushed the product and continue to support the narrative. They have a good life with the bloody money, while I am trying not to freeze while writing it! I’m supported by the same few people who, understandably, cannot afford much. The rest use my work but are unwilling to spend a few bucks a month to support it! I’m starting to feel like Samuel from the video. Continue reading Do You Really Want To Be Free?

First Court Cases Against COVID-19 Vaccines Damage in Germany

The lawyers believe there is a fair likelihood of enforcing compensation under Section 84 of the German Drug Law (AMG). The legislature does not require the victim to present proof that the damage was caused by the product. Rather, the manufacturer must prove that there is no connection to the product. Continue reading First Court Cases Against COVID-19 Vaccines Damage in Germany