What’s Wrong with Science and How Should It Be Fixed?

Most people have a vague understanding of what science actually is.
According to the dictionaries, science is an exploration of our world and how it works; findings are discussed with other scientists, verified, and published in scientific journals. We learn about these discoveries through popular science media or when they are used to create policies. Science must adhere to specific guidelines known as the scientific method. I’ve already discussed what the scientific method is and will discuss it in the future, but in a nutshell, it’s a method for determining whether or not a scientific study is valid, and it involves several steps carried out by researchers.

It appears to be quite simple, right?!
Curious and intelligent people investigate something in our world, double-check their findings, and publish so that the rest of the world can learn about and potentially benefit from what they discover. Initially, scientists were exactly like this, as evidenced by the numerous great inventions. Unfortunately, greed and the desire for fame have replaced the desire to discover the true nature of our world. Innovative thinking has become no longer welcome in scientific research. The application of the scientific method declined significantly.

Corporations pay scientists to produce only results that increase their profits. If you look at any scientific institution or university funding page, you will see the names of organizations that are linked to corporations. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is an example. This organization invests primarily in vaccine research, but also its owners profit from vaccine sales. Bill Gates admitted it in an interview with NBC. He said that “Investing in global health organizations aimed at increasing access to vaccines creates a 20-to-1 return.” Ask yourself why he isn’t investing in science, which will result in only new knowledge but no direct money. It is what philanthropists do, and he claims to be one even though he isn’t. Gates is not the only one who exploits science to gain power and even take taxpayer money. Every cartel owner does it. I’ll give you another example: Larry Fink, the founder of BlackRock. You’ve probably never heard of him because, unlike Gates, he dislikes the spotlight, despite controlling many scientific institutions and companies. He invests in vaccines, gender ideology, and climate change research. It means that all Blackrock-funded studies on such topics are influenced by corporate interests.

Science journals follow the same trends and are led by salesmen instead of researchers. Money is the primary motivator for publishing, regardless of whether the research was carried out using scientific method. Science journals charge a lot of money to read the articles, despite charging researchers to publish. So, if someone can find money to conduct fundamental scientific research, they must also find money to publish their findings. It is another barrier to the fundamental scientific disciplines.

“Data from the consulting firm Outsell in Burlingame, California, suggest that the science-publishing industry generated $9.4 billion in revenue in 2011 and published around 1.8 million English-language articles — an average revenue per article of roughly $5,000. Analysts estimate profit margins at 20–30% for the industry, so the average cost to the publisher of producing an article is likely to be around $3,500–4,000. ”

Interestingly, authors who want their research published in any of these journals may pay around $5, 000. It is greater than the publishing cost. The profit margin is 100%. It just doesn’t add up and demonstrates that, like all business models, science publishing has plenty of shady areas.

Fundamental science had been essentially abandoned due to a lack of funding and publishing fees.
You may be wondering, where is the government?
Unfortunately, the government is part of the problem. Taxpayer money is not always used to benefit taxpayers. Because of lobbying, research that receives funding almost always benefits the lobbyists.

It is a downward spiral that will lead to the demise of our civilization, because progress can only be made by allowing people to explore and improve the world around them. Before attempting to alter our own biology, as is done with COVID-19 vaccines, we must first understand it. Before we stop using fossil fuels, we must find a real alternative. To be honest, if you look at it through my eyes, it is complete lunacy.

How are we going to fix it?

The general public has to be made aware of what is going on. Since government funds are our money, we must demand an end to the damaging lobbying practices and funding for genuine science. We also need to educate ourselves, which is something I help with.


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