How To Reduce The Experimental Medical Treatments Side Effects

Many people have relatives and friends who are coerced to receive the experimental medical treatment which may lead to death or impairment. I come from a family who trust herbs and avoided invazive and likely unsuccessful medical treatments by using herbs. I will write more about it one day but now let’s see which herbs can help to at least reduce the adverse effects of the experimental medical treatment. 

> Cat’s claw  (Uncaria tomentosa and Uncaria guianensis) is a South American vine known for boosting the immune response and calming an overactive immune system. The parts which could be used are the bark, root and the leaves. Just make it as strong tea.

> Pine needles are a well known remedy for colds which contain suramin. The substance (suramin) is claimed to be the experimental medical treatment antidote. It can prevent blood clots and has an immunomodulating effect. The herb can be taken as a tea or a pine needle “honey”. 

Pine needle “honey” recipe: Put about 50 g of pine needles in 500 ml of cold water.  Boil for 5 minutes, add 500 g sugar (or less if you want) and boil for another 5 minutes. Let it cool down. Remove the pine needles and put the jelly in the jars. Keep the fridge. 

> Marshmallow plant (Althea officinalis) is perennial which can be found in Europe, Asia and Africa. The part which is used is the root and on the top being efficient against cold and practically killing the cough it can reduce myocarditis (hearth inflammation) and blood clotting. It makes it the perfect herb for the inoculated. 

> Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) is a shrub growing in Europe, North America, and Asia. It is known as a heart herb because of its heart strengthening benefits. The herb contains quercetin which has the ability to inhibit blood clots and to decrease inflammation . The berries are the most popular part of the plant but leaves, flowers, stems, and even the bark have the same benefits.

> European goldenrod or Woundwort (Solidago virgaurea)  is a perennial plant which could be found in Europe, North Africa and Asia. It is well researched herb with immunomodulating effect and anti-inflammatory effect. It is a successful treatment  for kidney disorders which are  reported as another adverse effect by the experimental medical treatment.

> Wild Basil (Clinopodium vulgare) is another perennial plant growing in Europe, North Africa, North America and North Africa. It is well known for its anti-inflammatory effect and vasoprotective action, especially to maintain the tone of the heart blood vessels.

> Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is a well known european herb. I recent study showed that can inhibit SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binding to ACE receptors. Since the experimental medical treatments induce spike protein production which leads to multiple adverse reactions the herb would be helpful for the inoculated.

The list will be updated if I find anything useful. I would suggest finding the herbs above and make a tea which inoculated should drink often. When buying herbs always check the source and if it’s the herb, not the herb and something else. Since nobody knows actually what exactly is in the experimental medical treatments we can only hope that will work. Of course, we should not forget that our mind can affect our health so believing that will help would be beneficial. Healthy body and mind can defeat any disease!

There are reports about graphene oxide in experimental medical treatment. If true it may lead to multiple adverse reactions. The only antidotes for now are chloroquine and humic acid. 

What I noticed is that basically herbs and medicines which work for common colds and the potential adverse effects are helpful in decreasing  the damage of the experimental medical treatments.

*My only work now is to defeat the COVID-19 madness. If you like what I do, support me by a small donation.


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